Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Bioinformatics and System Development
2022-Present, PhD. Computer Science, CBNU
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System Safety, Cyber-Physical Systems, Hazard Analysis, Machine Learning, Autonomous Driving Systems
2020 - Present, MS-PhD (Integrated) Computer Science, CBNU
Data mining and deep learning
2023–present, MS-PhD (Integrated) Computer Science, CBNU
Research Interests:
Machine Learning, Cyber-Physical Systems
2022-Present, MS. Computer Science, CBNU
Machine Learning
2024-Present, BS. Computer Science, CBNU
Machine Learning and Deep Learning
System Safety, Cyber-Physical Systems, Hazard Analysis
2021-2022, Postdoc, SIEL, CBNU
2018 - 2021, Ph.D. Computer Science, CBNU
2016 - 2018, M.S. Computer Science, CBNU
Safety Verification, Cyber-Physical Systems
2020 - 2022, M.S. Computer Science, CBNU
Software Testing
2023-2024, BS. Computer Science, CBNU
Machine Learning and Cyber-Physical Systems
김순겸(석사), 편호림(석사) 권장진(석사)
김두환(박사), 김종필(박사), *, 박재진(석사)